Hello! My name is Vanessa. Thank you so much for stopping by Travel the World History! I have loved history for ages! My 8th grade history teacher really brought history alive for me. Thank you Mrs. Hughes! In fact, I’ve been teaching middle school social studies now for twelve years. I teach ancient world history, American history, and geography.
I also love traveling the world! There is nothing quite like experiencing other cultures, and standing in the footsteps of historic events and people! I am blessed to own my own travel business, which has allowed me to turn my passion for travel into an income! If you would like to hear more about what I do, please message me!
My purpose for Travel the World History is to share my wanderings with the world. I will share about where I have traveled, the history related to those locations, any tricks or tips you may need to know if you plan to visit, and even some of my humorous misadventures! (Like the time I accidentally left my well wrapped souvenir pocket knife in my carry on bag and almost ended up in a Sicilian jail!) I will also share a few pretty amazing professional development travel opportunities that I have participated in for my fellow teachers.
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